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Corner Cube

A corner cube is composed of three perpendicular right angles on which the incident light is reflected and returned. No matter what the incident Angle is, the reflected light is always parallel to the incident light and the reflected Angle is always 180 degrees.

A Corner cube  is composed of three perpendicular right angles on which the incident light is reflected and returned. No matter what the incident Angle is, the reflected light is always parallel to the incident light and the reflected Angle is always 180 degrees. This is a very useful feature that can be used to ensure a 180 degree reflection Angle if the prism cannot be precisely aligned. The reflection images are inverted. Based on its characteristics, the cone is often used in remote measurement, optical signal analysis and laser equipment.


Material: H-K9L, Fused Silica
Dimension Tolerance:+0/-0.1mm   
Thickness: ±0.1mm  
Angle Tolerance:< 30 ''   
Surface Accuracy : λ/10-λ/2   
S/D : 60/40 ; 40/20; 10/5
Chamfer:Safety Chamfer<0.2X45°   
Coating: Based on customer requirement

"Quality first, customer first, development and innovation"
Nanjing April Electro-Optics Ltd. founded in 2012, is specialized in high-precision cold processing of crystal materials, with sapphire, quartz and optical glass as raw materials. Core products including window, lens, crystal rod, prism, ball, filter, cylindrical mirror, ball cover, and so forth. 
Copryright   2020 Nanjing April Electro-Optics Ltd. 备案证书号:苏ICP备20012706号-1Sitemap Technology by leadong