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Sapphire Bearing

Due to its excellent mechanical properties and high hardness (mohs hardness 9), Sapphires and Rubies are used in many instruments, clocks /watches and wear - resistant parts. The Bearing of V-type and U-type are widely used in flow meters, electricity meters and water meters.

Sapphire Rings & Bearing

 Due to its excellent mechanical properties and high hardness (mohs hardness 9), Sapphires and Rubies are used in many instruments, clocks /watches and wear - resistant parts. The Bearing of V-type and U-type are widely used in flow meters, electricity meters and water meters.



Material:Artificial sapphire or ruby single crystal a-al2o3, natural agate, glass-ceramics, etc.

Outer Diameter: 0.80~10.00mm,

Deviation of Maximum Outer Diameter: h7~h9
 Height:0.60 ~ 5.00mm,

Deviation of Maximum Height: ±0.01
Cup Depth: 0.20 ~ 0.80mm,

Deviation of Maximum Cup Depth:0 ~ 0.06
Bending Raduis SR: 0.60 ~ 5.00mm,

Deviation of Maximum Bending Radius: ±0.03
Taper Angle: 60°~ 120°,

Deviation of Maximum Taper Angle: ±5° 

"Quality first, customer first, development and innovation"
Nanjing April Electro-Optics Ltd. founded in 2012, is specialized in high-precision cold processing of crystal materials, with sapphire, quartz and optical glass as raw materials. Core products including window, lens, crystal rod, prism, ball, filter, cylindrical mirror, ball cover, and so forth. 
Copryright   2020 Nanjing April Electro-Optics Ltd. 备案证书号:苏ICP备20012706号-1Sitemap Technology by leadong